REMINDER! Final installment of taxes due.

The 2nd installment of Real Estate and Personel Property taxes are due July 31

Send your check for 2nd Installment or delinquent Real Estate taxes to:

Oneida County Treasurer

P.O.  Box 400 1 S. Oneida Ave

Rhinelander, WI 54501

You may pay Real Estate Taxes in person at the Oneida County Courthouse or on-Line with

To pay by phone call:  1-888-891-6064 option 1

For more information call:



Send your check for 2nd Installment or delinquent Personal Property taxes to:

Little Rice Town Treasurer

2544 W. Killarney Dr

Tomahawk, WI 54487

You may pay in person at the Little Rice Town Hall; 3737 County Rd Y; Tomahawk, WI 54487 on Tuesdays between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm or by appointment.

The town does not accept credit cards.