Taxes Due.

The second Installment of Property taxes is due July 31st, 2021.  Remember to send the Property Ta payment to Oneida county a nd Personal Property Taxes to the Town of Little Rice, per the information on your stub.

Fire Department recruitment event

The Little Rice Fire Department is hosting a recruitment event on Saturday, July 17, 2021 from 10 am to Noon at the fire station at 3737 Highway Y.


We are recruiting for firefighters and Canteen workers.  We also have some support positions such as grant writers available.  Come and check us out! 


This is an open house, so come anytime between 10 am and Noon!


Giving back to your community is priceless.  This could also be the start of a great career.  We provide firefighter training!


You don’t need to live in Little Rice proper, but around the area would be great.


Hope to see you on Saturday, July 17 10 am until Noon at the fire station!

Town Board starting Time changed

The Town Board voted to change the starting times of the regular Town board meeting, regularly held on the second Tuesday of the Month, except for the April meeting, which is held on the third Tuseday of April.  Beginning with the July 13th meeing, the meeting will start at 4:00 pm.

Smoking Hot Summer Raffle!

The Little Rice Fire Department is selling tickets for their Smoking Hot Summer Raffle!  Tickets are $100 and we are only selling 200 of them, so get your ticket now.  Call Chief Larry Mathein at 715-612-5514.  This is our fundraiser for 2021, so please help us out and have a chance at winning one of 20 cash prizes!


Fire Safety

Snowplowing of Easement Roads

At the Town Board Meeting on Tuesday April 20, 2021, the Board voted to discontinue the snowplowing of privately owned easement roads.

 These include :  The unpaved portion of Rice Road; Smokey (AJ Hirn);Maple;Shirley Glenn Lane;Smokey Lane

The Special Assessment on the tax bills will be discontinued.  The Board recommended that the property owners of the affected properties start making arrangements now, for the coming snow season.