Office Closed

The Town Office will be closed on Tuesday March 12, 2019.


The Town Board meeting has been moved to Tuesday March 5, 2019.  There will be no meeting on Tuesday March 12, 2019.

Tax Payments

You may go to to see your property information. Mail postmarked 1-31-19 should be posted by Tuesday Feb 5, 2019.

As of today, send any Real Estate Tax Payments to Oneida County Treasurer; PO Box 400;Rhinelander, WI 54531.  

Send Personal Property taxes and Dog License Applications to: Town of Little Rice Treasurer: Ruth Wohlers; 2544 W. Killarney Dr,; Tomahawk, WI 54487.  DO NOT SEND to ONEIDA COUNTY. You can continue to pay for Dog Licenses on-line, but  late Personal Property taxes must be paid by check or cash.  Remember to send a copy of a current rabies certificate, with your payment for a dog license.  

There is a 1 %  per month finance charge for Personal Property taxes paid after January 31, 2019 and they will be turned over for collection after 90 days.

You may contact the Treasurer at: [email protected]; phone:714-453-8714; Town Hall Office Hours – Tues: 10:00am – 2:00pm.Phone: 715-224-2591.

Chili Fest

Thanks to all who made the Chili Fest a success! The weather was good and the Chili was deliciious, thanks to the contributions of the area Volunteer Fire Departments.

Taxes and Dog Licenses due.

The 2018 taxes and Dog Licenses applications must be postmarked on or before 1-31-19. Please mail them to the Town Treasurer, Ruth Wohlers at 2544 W. Killarney Dr; Tomahawk, WI 54487.  If you want to pay in person, come to the Town Hall on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 or call Ruth at 715-453-8714 for an appointment.  Remember you can pay them by credit card.   

Any payments postmarked after January 31, 2019 must be made out  to the Oneida County Treasurer and sent to Oneida County,  Late dog License applications must be sent to the Town Treasurer at the address above.

Chili Feed

Save the date and join us for an afternoon of fun and food!