Open Book and Board of Review

The open book is on May 3, 2022 from 10:00 am to Noon.

The Board of Review will be held on5-10-22 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Election dates

Spring Primary – February 15, 2022

Spring Election – April 5, 2022

Partisan Primary – August 9, 2022

General Election – November 8, 2022



o NEW POWTS FEE ADDED TO 2021 TAX BILL.  Oneida County has added a $5

Private On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS) special charge to the property tax bill this 

year. This fee helps to cover the cost of administering the POWTS permitting and inspections. For 

more information please contact the Oneida County Planning and Zoning Department at 715-369-6130.


Taxes Due.

The second Installment of Property taxes is due July 31st, 2021.  Remember to send the Property Ta payment to Oneida county a nd Personal Property Taxes to the Town of Little Rice, per the information on your stub.

Town Board starting Time changed

The Town Board voted to change the starting times of the regular Town board meeting, regularly held on the second Tuesday of the Month, except for the April meeting, which is held on the third Tuseday of April.  Beginning with the July 13th meeing, the meeting will start at 4:00 pm.