Snowplowing of Easement Roads

At the Town Board Meeting on Tuesday April 20, 2021, the Board voted to discontinue the snowplowing of privately owned easement roads.

 These include :  The unpaved portion of Rice Road; Smokey (AJ Hirn);Maple;Shirley Glenn Lane;Smokey Lane

The Special Assessment on the tax bills will be discontinued.  The Board recommended that the property owners of the affected properties start making arrangements now, for the coming snow season.

New Building Inspector

The Town has Hired a New Building Inspector:

David Hilgendorf
Building Inspector
Town of Little Rice
522 Theiler Dr.
Tomahawk, WI 54487

Questions – call David at (715)-453-3211 
or (715)-966-0930


The taxes were due Jan 31-,021.

Mail any payments for real property to the Oneida County Treasurer at 1  South Oneida St; Rhinelander , WI 54501.  Any payments for Personal Property should be sent to the Town of Little Rice Treasurer at 2544 W. Killarney Dr, Tomahawk, WI 54487.  Real Property Parcels start with LR- and Personal Property Parcels Start with LRPP-.

If your check is mde out incorrectly or mailed to the wrong location, your payment will be held up.

Continue to order your Dog Licenses from the Little Rice Treasurer.  Any License not renewed by April 30, 2021 is subject to a $5.00 additional fee.



Spring Electtions

The next elections are:  Feb 16, 2021 – Spring Primary

                                    April 6, 2021 – Spring Election



The Tax Bills have been mailed

The tax Bills have been mailed. Open the links to see the inserts for Tax and Dog license Information, as well as Volunteer Fire Department and Recycling Information,



The next election is Aug 11th, 2020.