Dates of Board Meetings in March, April and May

The Board meeetings for March, April and May have been changed as follows:

March 24 7:00 pm – Regular Board Meeting

April 21, 6:00 pm – Annual Meeting, immediately followed by the Regular Board Meeting

May 19,  7:00 pm – Regular Board Meeting


These are the dates of the elections for 2020:

Feb 18 – Spring Primary and Special Primary for the 7th Congressional District

April 7 – Spring Election and Presidential Preference Primary

May 12 – Partisan Primary

Nov 3 – General and Presidential Election

Lottery Tax Credits

If you owned a home in the Town of Little Rice and were a permanent Resident as of January 1, 2019 you may be eligible for  the Lottery tax credit.   You can apply online at: Make sure you select the correct form.  If you moved and are no longer eligible for the credit, please fill out the form to remove yourself.

If you permanently moved during 2019, and will be permanent as of January 1, 2020, use the form for 2020.

You may also contact the Little Rice Treasurer, Ruth Wohlers for more information.


Past due 1 Installment Personal Property Tax Bills

All unpaid 1 installment Personal Property Taxes must be paid immediately.  Unless arrangements have been made, they will be turned over to the State Department of Collections.

Send the Payments to the Town of Little Rice; Ruth Wohlers;2544 W. Killarney Dr; Tomahawk, WI 54487, or pay in person on Tuesdays between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.

To make other arrangements call 715-453-8714 – Ruth Wohlers, or email: [email protected].

Do not send Personal Property taxes to Oneida County.